Project title: Cognition, Attitude and Practice of Student on the method of active learning.

Code Number: QCL 07.01

Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quy Thanh

Implementing Institution: Centre for Education Quality Assurance and

Research Development (2007-2008)

1. Objectives:

- Identify the components in the structure of attitude (cognitive, emotional and practical) of students on method of active learning.

- Prove the existence of the difference level between cognition and behavior of students on active learning.

- Learn about the factors impacting cognition and behavior of students on active learning, as well as the difference level between cognition and behavior on active learning. 
- Give some recommendations in making policies relating to promote learning activeness of students.

2. Main contents :

- Describe and analyse the situation of cognition, emotion and practice of student on method of active learning.

- Analyse the correlation among cognition, emotion and practice, in which, to clarify the difference level between cognition and practice on active learning, between cognition and emotion on active learning, and between emotion and practice on active learning.

- Develop and analyse the models to predict on the factors which impact on cognition, practice and the difference level between cognition and practice of student on method of active learning.

3. Research methodology

- 300 students from 6 universities surveyed with the questionnaire (50.3 percent men and 49.7 percent women).

- In-depth interviews were conducted with 4 students.

- A participant observation was conducted with a specific class.


3. Results obtained:

- Index of cognition on active learning is very high (94.6/100 points of percent). Most of students recognized true on active learning which consists of the methods of reading the documents, the methods of listening the lecture, the methods of taking notes..etc

- The cognition on active learning is correlated with sex. Female student’s a level of right cognitions is higher than male students (t=-2.594, p=.01).

- Index of practice on active learning is 62/100 points of percent. Male students learn less actively than female students (t=-2.450, p=.015). Discipline make a difference in the practice of active learning (f=5.061, p=.000). In there, the index on the practice of active learning of the students in the Social Sciences and Humanities University is the highest index (73.7 point of percent).

- The percentage of students who “seek documents on books and newspapers in library” is 60.3 percent, whereas, these figures are 64.3 and 45.7 of students who “discuss little with teacher” and “use documents although this is not allowed” respectively.

- The rate of emotion on active learning is only average (55.5/100 points of percent). Its correlation with current dwelling (f=4.030, p=.003) is stronger than with average score (f=4.079, p=.018).

- The difference level between cognition and practice on active learning is 32.69 (t=27.307, df=299, p=.000). It means that, there are nearly 9.5 per 10 students who recognize that active learning is true, in there only about 6 students transform their knowledge to their practice on active learning.

- Similarly, there is a different level (39.17 ) between cognition and emotion on active learning (t=45.61, df=299, p=.000). Less than others, there is still a difference level (6.47 percent) between practice and emotion on active learning (t=4.945, df=299, p=.000).

- There are 5 models to predict the factors impacting on the cognition of active learning, in which, model 4 is able to explain best (R2 =.081, f=2.843, p<.001). Model 4 reports estimates of independent variables which are statistically significant, including ‘sex’, teaching method of ‘presentation combining reading for students to write’ and ‘availability of equipment’.

- There are 3 models to predict the factors impacting on the practice of
active learning. In there, model 2 is the best (R2=.335, f=7.021, p<.001). Because of a moderate amount of variables but it can explain the most. Variables can estimate for practice on active learning that are ‘discipline’, ‘how to select discipline’, ‘personality’, ‘sitting position in class’, ‘average monthly spending’, teaching method of ‘reading for students copy’, ‘tired mood’ and ‘exciting mood’

- We proposed 3 models to explain the difference level between cognition and practice on active learning. Model 2 which is the best (R=.276, f=5.306, p<.001) , because it is able to estimate the most. With this model, ‘discipline’, ‘how to select discipline’, ‘sitting position in class’, ‘average monthly spending’, ‘tired mood’ and ‘exciting mood’ are variables which are statistically significant.

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