Attending the opening session were AUN Deputy Executive Director Choltis Dhirathiti, AUN Secretariat representative Korn Ratanagosoom  and 3 teams of accreditation experts from AUN leading universities including: Kunyada Anuwong (leader) and colleague Heliani Leni Sofia; Satria Bijaksana (leader) and colleague Alvin B Clulaba; Evangeline P. Bautista (leader) and colleague Yahaya Md. Sam.

For VNU side were VNU Vice President Nguyễn Kim Sơn, Chairman of VNU Council for Quality Assurance Prof. Dr. Mai Trọng Nhuận, leaders of VNU functional departments, member universities, affiliated faculties and units, VNU University of Science Board of Rectors, staff members, lecturers and representatives of the faculties having the programs under accreditation.



VNU has registered its University of Science for the AUN quality accreditation in 2015; this institution is the first in the network to be accredited at institutional level.

Three VNU University of Science academic programs currently under accreditation (from September 16 to September 18, 2015) are: Bachelor Program in Physics, Bachelor Program in Environmental Sciences, and Bachelor Program in Geology.

According to VNU Vice President Nguyễn Kim Sơn, to date, 11 VNU academic programs have got the AUN-QA standard certification. The quality accreditation not only brings positive effects to the accredited academic programs but is also helpful for the other VNU academic programs. Therefore, VNU keeps enhancing the quality of its academic programs so that by the year 2020, 100% of its academic programs will meet the AUN quality standards; 35% of those will meet the regional and international standards.

"Hopefully, after this round of assessment, AUN experts will help VNU University of Science in particular and VNU in general better understand their strengths for further promoting them while minimizing their shortcomings to enhance the quality of the accredited programs’’, VNU Vice President affirmed.

At the opening session, AUN Deputy Executive Director Choltis Dhirathiti appreciated VNU’s active participation in the AUN-QA assessment activities.

According to Mr Choltis Dhirathiti, by the end of this year, 161 programs under 27 universities in 8 Southeast Asia countries will have been accredited. "We hope that our leading experts’ concluding remarks will contribute to the sustainable development of the AUN universities, including VNU”, Mr Choltis Dhirathiti said.

Believing that the AUN quality assessment activities would create more opportunities for the development of the University’s academic programs, VNU University of Science Rector Nguyễn Văn Nội wished that in the future, the university would be further supported, helped and assisted by AUN and its QA experts to promote its sustainable development.


VNU Journal of Science - VNU Media

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