S University Rankings has reviewed, ranked and highlighted the top 300 universities in Asia based on a set of ranking criteria reflecting regional peculiarities, challenges and priorities since 2009. In the 2015 QS Asian University Rankings, China is the most represented country with 74 institutions; Japan is the second most represented country with 68 institutions. Next is South Korea with 45 institutions, followed by Taiwan (28), Malaysia (21) and India (17). The other Asian countries featured in the top 300 are: Thailand (11 institutions), Pakistan (10), Hong Kong (7), Indonesia (7), the Philippines (4), Singapore, Vietnam and Bangladesh (2), Sri Lanka, Brunei and Macau (1).
The above-named QS University Rankings features two Vietnam's universities: VNU, Hanoi (Top 191-200) and VNU, Ho Chi Minh City (Top 201-250).
The top 10 Asian leading universities this year are: the National University of Singapore, Hong Kong University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Nanyang Technological University, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peking University, Seoul National University, City University of Hong Kong and University of Pohang. Compared with 2014, the Tokyo University (Japan) is no longer among the top 10 Asian leading universities; instead, City University of Hong Kong has entered the Top 10 for the first time.
According to Prof. Nguyễn Hữu Đức, this year’s ranking of the two above-named Vietnamese universities has been determined mainly by the evaluation indicators of domestic and regional scholars and employers. Thequantity and quality indicators of the scientific articles by Vietnamese authors obtained from Scopus, though much improved, are still quite modest compared with the corresponding increase in those of the Asian leading
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