This is one of the two important activities of the ASEAN University Network (AUN) hosted by VNU in ASEAN year 2015 in Vietnam. Attending the meeting were the members of the AUN Executive Board and representatives from nearly 40 AUN member universities.The participants discussed a number of important quality assurance issues such as the Progress report on the AUN-QA activities from January 3, 2014 to date; discussed and approved the AUN-QA Draft strategic action plan for the period 2015-2018.


The participants concurrently discussed a number of other important issues such as the problems arising from the AUN-QA quality assessment at program level; the issues relating to the Code of conducts for the AUN-QA activities; the Financial statement of the AUN-QA Development Fund; the appointment of the AUN-QA Committee and Techniques Group. In addition, the participants  reviewed the Guide to AUN Actual Quality Assessment at Program Level and discussed several other issues including the planning of 2016 Annual key staff meeting on quality assurance of the ASEAN University Network.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, VNU President Phùng Xuân Nhạ affirmed that VNU, as a founding member and a member of the AUN Executive Board, had always participated actively and effectively in all the AUN activities. Quality accreditation following the AUN-QA Standard Set is a priority of VNU. In 2015, VNU registered its University of Science for the AUN quality accreditation; this institution was considered as the first in the network to be accredited at institutional level. Besides, 4 VNU’s programs were also registered for accreditation in 2015.



VNU President expressed his belief in the strength and influence of the AUN. VNU would make an active contribution to the development of mechanisms, policies and strategies for the AUN quality assurance.Speaking at the opening session, Ms. Nantana Gajaseni, AUN- QA Executive Director, emphasized that one of the main reasons for the meeting was to provide an opportunity for the participants to discuss and prepare the framework for the AUN - QA Strategic Action Plan for the period 2015 - 2018. This would also be considered as a policy framework for the AUN’s activity timeframe in the next 4 years.
As Executive Director of the AUN, Ms. Nantana Gajaseni hoped that we would altogether keep making efforts to further improve and expand external assessment activities following the AUN-QA Standard Set as well as continue striving towards the bettering of the AUN-QA High Standard Set.


VNU Journal of Science - VNU Media

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