Functions and Tasks

To assist the Directorate of Vietnam National University,Hanoi in coordination education quality assurance. The details are:

+ To provide advising works to the VNU Directorate concerning education quality assurance;

+ To coordinate education quality assuranceactivities within VNU;

+ To implementeducation assessment within VNU ;

+ To provide guidance, supervise the works relating to education and audit activities within VNU ;

+ Other tasks on education quality assurance that assigned by the President of VNU To develop research on a system of new methods and procedures for education quality assurance.

- To carry out the researches assigned by the Directorate of VNU;

- To conduct researches on quality assurance, student assessment, curriculum development, teaching methods etc., and to apply the results to Vietnam.

- To conduct training courses on self-evaluation for accreditation, curriculum development, education and socio-economic statistics etc.

- To provide consulting service in conducting different kinds of testing (IQ, CQ, EQ etc).

- To provide consulting service on methods and procedures of students' assessment and teaching evaluation by student, education quality assurance and enhancement, curriculum development, education and socio-economic statistics etc.

- To execute Master program on "Educational Measurement and Evaluation" which assigned by VNU;

- To execute joint training program with international counterpart.

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