Overall ranking of 2012: VNU is ranked 213th among the best Asian Universities (while no other university of Vietnam are ranked in the top 300 of the best Asian Universities) (Click here for details). In the league table of Asian Universities, top ten universities are The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, National University of Singapore, University of Hong Kong, Seoul National University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peking University (China), Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (Korea), The University of Tokyo (Japan), Pohang University of Science and Technology (Korea), and Kyoto University (Japan).
It is also the first time two areas which are Natural Sciences and Life Sciences and Medicine of VNU are ranked in the top 100.
In the top 100 by faculty of Natural Sciences, the area of VNU is listed 61st (click here for details). The best Asian university for the field is the University of Tokyo (Japan) followed by National University of Singapore, Kyoto University (Japan), Peking University (China), Tsinghua University (China), Seoul National University (Korea), The University of Hong Kong, National Taiwan University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Osaka University. Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City is in 93rd of the list.
In the top 100 by faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine, VNU is ranked 84th (click here for details). Take the lead in the top 10 are The University of Tokyo in the first place followed by National University of Singapore, Kyoto University (Japan), The University of Hong Kong (China), Seoul National University (Korea), National Taiwan University, Tsinghua University (China), Osaka University (Japan) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 
Nguồn tin: http://vnu.edu.vn/eng/?C2384

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